Dove and its Future.

Dove Finance
2 min readJan 27, 2022

Hey Dovies! Some people might have read my statement on the Olympians Discord already, if not there you go:

Yeah, one of the main issues with Dove right now is that we chose Cronos as the network. We jumped on the hype with the thought that the Cronos Network will be heavily supported by, it turned out to be a shitshow with high fees and no support from the creators. I am still not sure what exactly to do with Dove, if we should launch or convert the project to something else. It has a lot of potential, but we ain’t trying to be first in anything, we just want to have a stable project. If any of you guys do have recommendations, proposals or similar, feel free to contact me.

So basically, if we would launch now, it would most definitely be a mistake. Dead Network, and no hype.

Still, I think it was the best decision to not launch under the market conditions, which would have caused Dove to trade below backing and destroy the project.

It is time to make radical changes to the project, where the whole community will be able to decide with us! In the next days, I will be running votes on specific project changes (e.g., switch from Cronos Network to somewhere else?). That way, the community will be able to steer Dove into the right direction. As it seems like most of the team has given up on the project, I will be rearranging the entire team within the next days and hiring new ones. If you think you can help us improve in any way, feel free to DM me with a description about you and work experience, and we will take it from there. Also, I am happy to consider every recommendation / proposal about Doves future, drop it in our Discord (🎨┃suggestions).

